For all FHA, VA, and some conventional loans, an engineer’s foundation certification is required that states that the home is placed on a permanent foundation that complies with the “HUD Permanent Foundation Guide for Manufactured Homes”, dated 1996 by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
The purpose of a HUD engineering foundation inspection is to conduct a structural inspection for determining:
- If the manufactured home is on a permanent foundation and properly tied down.
- That the manufactured home would not move off the piers or foundation.
- Any additions are built to HUD code.
- That the drainage around the manufactured home will not flood the crawlspace or basement.
Lenders and loan underwriters must receive a foundation and/or addition certificate from an engineer assuring the HUD compliance of the structure. Being HUD compliant means the foundation is permanent, and that any additional structures like decks, garages and porches are built to the HUD code. The HUD code is different than the building code.
We are not structural engineers, but we have partnered with one of the best engineering firms (Manufactured Home Certifications, US LLC) that specializes in the certification of permanent foundations and additions for manufactured housing. We provide the engineers certification needed for your manufactured home. Order your Manufactured Home Engineers Foundation Certification below.
What we offer:
Permanent Foundation Certifications
Addition Compliance Certifications
1st Permanent Location Certifications
***Serving Northeast Minnesota & Northwest Wisconsin ***
***Onsite Inspection completed within 2-3 days***
***Engineers Reports are available within 48 hours after the inspection***
If you have any questions, Please Contact US